The Lotus as a Symbol of Spiritual Growth
The lotus flower is a symbol of spiritual growth in many Eastern traditions including Hinduism and Buddhism.
The bud of the lotus represents our spiritual potential, and the unfolding blossom represents the expansion of our soul and our growth toward spiritual enlightenment. It symbolically represents our being fully grounded in the very necessary physical world while also aspiring towards the divine, much as the lotus is rooted into the muck and mire underwater, but rises through the muddy water and blossoms into a beautiful, pure flower.
Since yoga has strong connections with the Eastern spiritual traditions, the lotus has significance in our yoga practice as well. Lotus Pose, or Padmasana, is a seated posture that is especially recommended for meditation, chanting, and pranayama (breathing exercises).
The Lotus in Yoga-Inspired Jewelry
The lotus is a common symbol used in yoga and meditation inspired jewelry. Here are some beautiful examples that you may enjoy, including pendant necklace, bracelet, rings, and earrings.
Sterling Silver Lotus Flower Locket
This first lovely piece, made from a piece of sea glass in a sterling silver lotus flower is currently my favorite. I especially like the pale aqua color of the glass. Currently the artist also has lockets with other sea glass colors from very pale to cobalt blue. Each locket includes a sterling silver 16 inch chain. What a wonderful way to represent the beauty and purity that we strive for in our practice of yoga!
Pale Aqua Sea Glass Sterling Silver Lotus Flower Locketon
Lotus Peace Petals Bangle Bar
This cute adjustable bangle bracelet features a lotus flower charm with an engraved “Om” symbol. The smaller charms include a “Made with love in the U.S.” image, a recycle sign, and “infused with + energy technology” charm. Each bracelet focuses on the power of positive energy!
Hamsa Hand and Lotus Flower Ring
I fell in love with this artist’s unique aluminum rings! Along with the hand-stamped lotus symbol, it also has a hamsa hand, which is a sign of protection against evil. It also has the secret message “breathe” on the inside. Another ring of hers includes the lotus symbols with the quote by Thich Nhat Hanh, “no mud, no lotus”. Without the muck and mire where the lotus gets its start, there can be no beautiful flower! We all start in the spiritual “muck and mire”.
Hamsa Hand and Lotus Flower Ringon
Lotus Earrings
I am an earring person. While I like pendants, bracelets, and rings, I’m much more likely to wear earrings than any other kind of jewelry. And there are many lotus earring designs to choose from! I’m more of a simple-design person, so my favorites are the open design lotus earrings on the left, but there are a number of bright and bold designs also, such as the sterling silver and coral earrings shown above right. The same company also offers them in a blue-green abalone shell matrix.
Open Design Small Lotus Blossom Flower Dangle Earrings in Sterling SilverSterling Silver Red Sponge Coral Circle Lotus Earrings Hawaiian Silver Jewelry
What Does Lotus Pose Look Like?
Lotus Pose, or Padmasana, is a seated pose that is recommended for meditation and pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) because the position of the legs and feet help support the back in our upright seated position. But it’s not an easy pose for most people to get into! As you can see from the image below, each foot rests on top of the opposite thigh.

Lotus Pose: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0
For most people, the hips aren’t flexible enough to get the feet into this position without damaging the knees. But when the hips are made more flexible from long-term, intelligent practice, this pose may become attainable.
It took me a number of years before I finally could get into this pose without hurting my knees, and that was with the help from my yoga teacher. Find a knowledgable yoga teacher to help you learn to work safely toward this useful pose!
Wear Your Own Yoga-Inspired Lotus Jewelry
You can wear lotus design jewelry whether you practice yoga and / or meditation, or if you just love these pure and simple designs that represent the best of what we can become! They also make great gifts.